
What Our Learners Say

When a learner is ready to leave the Training & Learning Centre, we ask them to fill out a brief survey that provides us with valuable feedback. It helps us to know what we are doing well, what we can improve to make our service better, and whether we helped the learner to accomplish their goals.

“The most valuable thing I learned was to always keep learning. Don’t give up – you have more skills than you realize. There’s always a way to achieve your goals as long as you keep trying to get there.”

“I was encouraged to try things — even if they might be wrong. I got encouragement to explore computers. I gained new knowledge in every lesson. I learned from my mistakes and learned new tools.”

“The most useful thing about the Training and Learning Centre was that I got one-on-one help and had someone take the time to explain things to me.”

“The setting and people were very friendly, and you learn at your own pace. The teacher was a great support."

“It helped me to overcome my fear on computers and not to be ashamed to ask for help."

Being here has built my self-esteem and I am a more confident person."

Inspired? Curious? Contact us to find out more how you can join our program!