About the Training & Learning Centre of Renfrew County

Training & Learning Centre of Renfrew County is a community-based agency incorporated as a non-profit charitable organization. It is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors.

Training & Learning Centre of Renfrew County was founded in 1993. At that time it was called Renfrew County Community Upgrading or RCCUP. This is still our legal name. We later changed our name to Literacy Plus, and were known by this name for many years.

It became a concern that people may interpret ‘literacy’ to solely mean reading and writing. While we do offer upgrading in reading and writing, we also cover many other areas as well, such as math, communication, computer skills and more. To better express our services, we changed our name to the Training & Learning Centre.

We have operated under this name since 2012 and feel that it best encompasses what we do.

Training & Learning Centre of Renfrew County receives annual funding from the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities and is part of the Employment Ontario network of service providers. We also hold fundraising activities and gratefully accept donations.

Training & Learning Centre of Renfrew County is a member of:

Training & Learning Centre of Renfrew County also partners with Algonquin College Employment Services, Algonquin College, and Renfrew County District School Board under Employment Ontario. We are also on the Literacy Service Planning committee for Renfrew County with support from Rideau-Ottawa Valley Learning Network.

If you would like to be a learner at Training & Learning Centre of Renfrew County, click on Learners.

If you would like more information about volunteering and serving on the Board of Directors, click on Volunteers.

We updated our logo and rebranded in 2021.